Are you more likely to experience a hate crime today compared to before 9/11?
Using hate crime data from the FBI and population estimates, this tool calculates whether you have a higher chance of being targeted by a hate crime today than 15 years ago.
Please tell us about your race, religion and ethnicity.
The categories are based on how the FBI and the Census Bureau classify their data.
Religious tradition:
Are you Hispanic/Latino?
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Because you're Hispanic, you would be 67% less likely to experience hate crime today than before 9/11.
Hate crime rate in 2000 and 2015
When compared to other groups
Overall, the total number of hate crimes has steadily dropped since 1996. But this trend is not true of all groups. Hate crimes against Muslims and American Indians or Alaska Natives have increased in the past 15 years. Mouse over or tap each bar for details.
Change of hate crime rate from 2000 to 2015
The latest hate crime data from the FBI is for 2015. Population estimates for race and ethnicity groups for 2001 and 2015 are from the Census Bureau. As the bureau is legally prohibited from asking question on religious affiliation, we used the 2001 population estimates for religious groups from the 2008 American Religious Identification Survey and the 2014 population estimates for religious groups from the Pew Research Center. Due to the lack of population data of sexual minority groups in the early 2000s, we cannot compare the hate crime rates based on sexual orientation.
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